Tuesday 23 February 2010

The final chapter

2004. Bikes led us to a motorbike shop, which led us to KB, which led us to ASW. Si's programming skills were truely put to the test when we were asked if we could write a lap scoring program.
After many months of head scratching we managed to understand what was needed and produced a fairly simple program. Things really escalated from there and a year later our finished software was, even if I do say so myself, amazing. We started collaborating with an overseas partner and produced a transponder system. That caused me endless sleepless nights but Si was confident with it, and it worked beautifully.
Our next step was to produced a fast system for MX and so work began on that.
Meantime we discovered that L was pregnant, we were going to be grandparents. Si was so excited, he could finally be a Grumps.

We spent months developing the MX system and our life revolved around it, working on coding, web promotion, brochures.... Weekends spent testing and re-testing, riding up and down on my motorbike with transponders attached, it was relentless. But our goal was in sight.

In August 2008 we went to Egypt for two weeks, stupidly! L was due a week after our return date so we spent pretty much the whole time away worrying that she would go into labour. She didn't. Three days after our return, at 5am, she did! It was the most amazing experience and Si was there coaching her and smashing her in the face with gas and air, yes literally! I was the first person to see O born, my first grandchild WOW!
Si was such a proud Grumps.

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