Sunday 21 February 2010

That morning

It was forced upon me. Suddenly and brutally.

I refer to the day it happened as 'the accident' but it was bigger than that, it was the end of my very first love story, the end of my first true love.

It was a chilly, wet early November morning, I remember it like it was yesterday. Some would say it was the first day of the rest of my life, others would claim that it was the end of an era... either way things would never be the same again.

The alarm rang out as usual at 6.30am and we turned to each other in unison and snuggled.
“Morning honey” he said as we snuggled even closer under the duvet.
“Morning baby” I whispered as I nestled my head against his chest, feeling myself drift into the warmth and tenderness of our embrace. Fighting the urge to spend the entire day in bed I forced myself to get up.
I remember smiling as I thought about the weekend, the children had been away.
And now it was Monday.
At 7.25am came the usual “Are you ready?” from Si.
“On my way” I called back, as I finished applying my mascara. I normally got a lie in on a Monday and travelled to work seperately from Si but my bike was in for an MOT so it was an unusual early start for me.
I hadn’t heard any movement from J’s room, so just before I went downstairs I popped into her room and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Wakey wakey missus.”
“I’m awake” came the sleepy reply.
“See you later sweetie” I said, planting a kiss on J’s head.
“Bye mum”.
As I walked down the path I could see Si was waiting to go, he liked to get going by 7.30am so we didn’t get stuck behind the smelly bus! I fastened my helmet strap and hopped on the back of the bike, I put my gloves on and shoved my hands in Si’s pockets, as I always did.
It was a miserable day to ride, but always far more enjoyable than commuting in a car. Sometimes on the journey I would look around me and take in the view, and think how lucky we were to live in such beautiful surroundings.
Being pillion was such a great ride!

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