Sunday 21 February 2010

The early years

Si had to leave his job due to a work related injury so we got to spend all day every day together. For some couples this would be their idea of hell but to us it was an amazing time. I never once tired of his company.
Times were hard, being on benefits meant money was tight but our love was strong and we held our little family together and did our very best to ensure our children had everything they needed. Si made the most of the time at home and with the love of computers growing daily he applied himself to studying computer programming, and understanding the inner workings of a PC.
We made numerous visits to various specialists about his injury and he underwent three exploratory operations, all in vain!
By the time J was 4 Si had become quite the expert in everything PC and decided that he needed to challenge himself further. Despite ongoing pain he wanted to return to the workplace and so started a course of pain physcology sessions to try and get on top of his injury. Within a few months he felt able to do this and was offered a job as an IT officer at a local charity.
Si decided that he wanted to get a motorbike. He passed his test when he was 17 and had ridden on and off ever since. It made sense as he needed a vehicle to get to work and running a second car was too expensive.
I have to admit that I found the first six months of Si working incredibly difficult. All of a sudden I was alone, all my children were at school and my husband was in full time employment. It was hard not to feel jealous, I'd had him all to myself for so long and now he was spending the best part of each day in the company of people I didn't know. I did the only sensible thing and took a job myself.

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