Tuesday 4 May 2010

C leg - the trial. And the dreaded arm!

I brought the leg home on Thursday after a really good training session at Dorset. Practising coming downstairs foot over foot was really strange and took some getting my head around. I'm walking a lot better and on Sunday I actually managed to walk around Taunton which was awesome. I am having a few problems with comfort of the socket but I think that's more about me getting used to it than anything, I guess that's all part of the trial. I also need to get used to charging it as my leg ran out of charge today so I had to come home early which was amusing and slightly embarrassing!

I had a very bad night's sleep last night which didn't help, feeling grumpy and tired is really not useful when I'm trying out a new leg so I've decided that I need to go back on to regular medication for the nerve pain in my arm. I have been taking medication for it on and off but I ran out of the nerve painkilling tablets over the weekend and I think that's why I had a bad sleep, so if it means I sleep well then I think on balance it's worth taking them. I have also started taking dl Phenylalanine, it's been recommended on the tbpi forum (traumatic brachial plexus injury) that I am on. It's supposed to encourage your body's own endorphins into action on the nerve pain so we'll see how that goes.

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