Thursday 11 August 2011

Anger and frustration

The man that killed Si and caused my terrible injuries took full responsibility for his actions. His car insurance policy was in place for such an event yet his insurers sit back and allow me to suffer by constantly refusing to provide the funding I need to ease my difficulties and restrictions. Surely their duty is to provide measures to prevent further suffering and discomfort and to ensure that my life is restored to as close as is feasibly possible to how it was pre-accident. They are causing me further physical and mental pain and discomfort, and serious financial concerns by their constant refusal to assist when I need assistance.
I feel like they are treating me very unfairly and that they are trying to corner me into a settlement when they know full well that I do not have all the facts in place.
I'm so annoyed, it's just not fair, any of this.

My daughter was rushed into hospital last night, her partner went with her and she urgently needed someone to look after her children. Pre-accident I would have bundled them into the car and took them home with me. Now I can't even babysit without a carer with me and as my daughter is my main carer I could offer no assistance whatsoever. How unimaginable is that, that you can't look after your own grandchildren!