Thursday 26 August 2010

The arm update

I've been having quite a lot of physio since my visit to Stanmore, and alongside the FES treatment my bicep and tricep are actually starting to work, I can bend and straighten my elbow! BUT .. and there's always a but, the dead weight of my forearm and hand are preventing the movement, and so I have to lift the weight off, either by laying down, or by the use of suspension at physio. All my physios agree that my rehabilitation is restricted by my arm, including my walking, and that practically I would be much better served without it. I spoke to my GP today about elective amputation. He agrees that it is the way forward and knew it was always a possibility, so he is referring me back to Mr Standley at the RD&E.
I have been thinking about this since my visit to Stanmore outpatients in March. Psychologically it will take a while to get my head around but from a practical, and functional view it is definately the right thing to do. It also then gives me options for hand prosthetics.
I'm seeing my pyschologist tomorrow which couldn't have worked out better, that will help me mentally prepare.

Wednesday 11 August 2010


Wow I can't believe what absolute shits (and I really would prefer a stronger word than that) the insurers are being. After agreeing to give me interim payments, as I don't have an income, and agreeing to fund a cleaner they have now decided to withdraw all funding! So I either pay for the cleaner myself or the service stops, and where exactly am I supposed to get money to live off from? It's all in their plan to manipulate me into accepting their pathetic offer! Sorry insurers, you're messing with the wrong lady, I will not be manipulated ... hmm anyone want to buy a house???

Tuesday 10 August 2010

The definitive limb begins

Dorset have all the components for my actual leg and so I have about 100 appointments, well about 7 actually, to get through and then I should walk away (pun!) with my 'real' looking leg. Yesterday was measurement, plaster cast and skin tone matching. Guess who forgot to shave her leg, very embarrassing especially when the silicone technician says
"Next time Caroline we need to see your folicles so if you could remember to shave that would be great" ...
Going back on Thursday but won't see that guy, thank goodness .. oh the shame!

Sunday 8 August 2010

The Skydive

I did it, and it was absolutely brilliant!

Please click here to read all about it